A polished full-stack web application consisting of a fleshed out front-end UI (user-interface) where users can upload and post pictures of various otters in nature, as well as a supporting back-end that houses our site’s routes and data.

Technologies Used

JavaScript | Python | HTML5 | CSS | React | Redux | Flask | SQLAlchemy | PostgreSQL | AWS



Full-stack Yelp Clone

JavaScript | Python | HTML5 | CSS | React | Redux | Flask | SQLAlchemy | PostgreSQL | AWS

Group collaboration full-stack website with 4 engineers, creating a well-structured Yelp clone with a fun Spongebob theme twist to it. Any user browsing the site can search for, write, and create their reviews for various enterprises in the Bikini Bottom!



Full-stack AirBnB Clone

JavaScript | HTML5 | CSS | React | Redux | Express | Sequelize | PostgreSQL

Originally branching as an AirBnB clone, PokeBnB has an enriched UI that lets avid travelers of the Pokemon Universe book a homely stay to rest during their long travels. Trainers can traverse through the multitude of user-uploaded homes to view and leave ratings to circulate a well-functioning customer experience.



Experience in languages and various technologies

JavaScript Badge


high-level, dynamic programming language commonly used for creating interactive effects within web browsers

python Badge


versatile, high-level programming language known for its ease of reading and writing

html Badge


standard markup language used to create and design web pages

css Badge


stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML

react Badge


React is an efficient JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing and centralizing application state

aws Badge


leading cloud platform offering computing power, storage, and database services

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